Crochet bunting for a shared bedroom

I was recently set a bit of a challenge – to create some personalized bunting for brother and sister twins. The challenge was in finding a design that would be girly enough and boyish enough to appeal and to use colors that would work together in a shared room. Tough but I do love a […]

Crochet giraffe bunting for Maddox

I’ve recently finished some handmade crochet bunting for Maddox – giraffe style! I originally designed the giraffe for a special commission last year for brother and sister, Bug and Boo, who had an African themed bedroom. As well as a giraffe I designed a zebra! This giraffe is super special and just for the very […]

Lilac and pink bunting for two gorgeous sisters

I was recently asked to make some personalised bunting for two very special sisters – very proud big sister Isabel and brand new sister Jessica! Isabel loves the colour combination of pink and lilac and the brief was to create a design that would give both gorgeous girls something that would work together but also […]