Green, cream and white crochet flower heart

I have just finished a special order for a customer and I am so pleased with it! I was contacted by a lovely lady who wanted something special for her new conservatory which is decorated in cream, white and green. She had seen my cream and white heart on and contacted me to see […]

Lilac and pink bunting for two gorgeous sisters

I was recently asked to make some personalised bunting for two very special sisters – very proud big sister Isabel and brand new sister Jessica! Isabel loves the colour combination of pink and lilac and the brief was to create a design that would give both gorgeous girls something that would work together but also […]

Summer crochet flowers

Summer still hasn’t reached the UK so I’ve had to make do with crochet flowers. These gorgeous purpley/blue flowers are made using a pattern by the very talented Lucy at Attic 24 called ‘quince flowers’.  I made them using an aran weight yarn with a high wool content that has made them quite chunky.  They […]

Cath Kidston inspired crochet flower bag

I came across a little bag in the children’s department of John Lewis recently. It was quite cute and even had some sweet raffia crochet detail, but I thought it had the potential to be something really lovely! I spent a bit of time unpicking the original decoration and removing the plastic strap. And then, […]

Vintage style crochet roses

Everything is coming up roses at R&C HQ at the moment! I spent a lovely morning at a shopping centre earlier in the week with a friend, and we spent a long time browsing in the Cath Kidston shop, and in particular looking at fabrics to be used in another project. I brought home some swatches to see […]

Keeping tiny heads warm!

My little girl has just reached the age where she is interested in dolls – everytime she sees one she shouts “Dolly!” So, as a surprise I bought her a ‘My first Baby Annabell’ by Zapf and she was so excited! We’ve called her Poppy. The weather has been very cold in the UK recently so […]

Spring flowers ready for Easter

I love Spring – after the grey of Winter I get a real thrill from seeing the new shoots in the garden and the jolly yellow daffodils, delicate snowdrops and dainty pansies. To celebrate I have been crocheting lots of Spring flowers and creating lovely heart-shaped hanging wreaths. There are two sizes, large (26cm across and deep) and small (16cm […]