Crochet wedding birds

I’ve just finished a big commission and I wanted to do something to clear my mind – in culinary terms ‘cleanse my palette’ – I’ve had an idea for a while that I wanted to create a mini version of a bird pattern I wrote earlier in the year. So I sat down with some […]

Crochet giraffe bunting for Maddox

I’ve recently finished some handmade crochet bunting for Maddox – giraffe style! I originally designed the giraffe for a special commission last year for brother and sister, Bug and Boo, who had an African themed bedroom. As well as a giraffe I designed a zebra! This giraffe is super special and just for the very […]

A very useful crochet monkey

I’ve been having some crochet fun and making some very useful, little, smiling monkeys – bags! Each bag has sticky out ears, shiny button eyes and a plenty of space for all the precious things a little girl may need to carry around with her 🙂 So far I’ve done two colour ways in shades of pink […]

Cath Kidston inspired crochet flower bag

I came across a little bag in the children’s department of John Lewis recently. It was quite cute and even had some sweet raffia crochet detail, but I thought it had the potential to be something really lovely! I spent a bit of time unpicking the original decoration and removing the plastic strap. And then, […]