Crochet giraffe bunting for Maddox

I’ve recently finished some handmade crochet bunting for Maddox – giraffe style! I originally designed the giraffe for a special commission last year for brother and sister, Bug and Boo, who had an African themed bedroom. As well as a giraffe I designed a zebra! This giraffe is super special and just for the very […]

Lilac and pink bunting for two gorgeous sisters

I was recently asked to make some personalised bunting for two very special sisters – very proud big sister Isabel and brand new sister Jessica! Isabel loves the colour combination of pink and lilac and the brief was to create a design that would give both gorgeous girls something that would work together but also […]

Ruby & who? How I picked a business name

Ruby & Custard! Why? Well, why not?  I love the colour red and I love custard…? Seriously choosing a name for a business has got to be one of the toughest decisions. There are so many things to think about!  It’s taken me weeks and lots of different ideas and I’ve eventually gone back to almost where I started.  Ruby […]